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To learn more about THE CLOCK MASTER click HERE. The Clock Master was performed between 2009-2011, touring all over the UK to venues including the Lowry, the Point, Latitude Festival, the Roundhouse and the V&A Museum of Childhood.

The cast of the Clock Master

Clockwork Tree in a clockwork garden


The Clockwork Girl awakes

The Clockwork girl goes exploring

The Clockwork Girl

Exploring the Clockwork garden!

Exploring the world!


3D projections!

The Famous Rich Woman

The Clockmaster's assistant

The Monkey and the Princess

The Two Headed Witch

Little Mo and Bruiser the dog

Mo and the Merchant

Little Blind Mo and his Father

Lawrence the musician

Mo and Bruiser

Mo and the Time Thief

Clock Master cast 2010

The set tapestries of the shop

The set tapestries of the shop

The set tapestries of the shop

Performing at the V&A
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