Puppetry Principles 2-day Intensive - 2nd & 3rd April 2020
Puppetry and Character 2-day Workshop - 6th & 7th April 2020
2-day Puppetry Intensives;
Puppetry Principles
Puppetry and Character
We ran a set of intensive Puppetry workshops in February 2019, aimed at performers who were just starting out in puppetry and those with experience who wished to develop their skills/
Topics covered include: puppetry principles, object manipulation, bunraku-style puppetry and character development for puppet roles.
Puppetry for Actors - Oct/Nov 2018
Three day intensive
We ran another of our intensive Puppetry for Actors workshops in Oct/Nov 2018. It was aimed at actors who want to learn how to puppeteer.
Topics covered include: puppetry principles, object manipulation, bunraku-style puppetry and character development for puppet roles.
Puppetry for Actors - 2014
London week-long intensive
We ran a week long intensive puppetry workshop aimed at actors who wanted to learn how to puppeteer. The workshop was run by company directors Louisa Ashton and Shelley Knowles – Dixon
Topics covered include: puppetry principles, object manipulation, shadow play, bunraku-style puppetry, life size puppets, food puppetry, multi-person puppets and puppet-character development. Watch this space to hear of more workshops.

Origami & shadow puppetry
This workshop can be devided into two sections. First, we invite participants how they can use objects, our bodies and different light sources to create amazing, beautiful and often filmic shadow effects. We then teach participants how to make their own moving origami shadow puppet and learn how to use it!
Sparkle and Dark have provided this workshop as a drop-in activity to festivals, ran a day long shadow experience for the Brook Theatre in Kent and offered it as an hour-long workshop alongside the UK tour of their show The Girl With No Heart.

Buranku making and movement
Using only newspaper, masking tape, rods and string we show how anyone can make a fully articulated puppet figure to keep and take home. Participants then work to gether to learn how to use their puppet following the traditional techniques in bunraku puppetry (3 puppeteers to one puppet). The video at the top of the page deomnstrates a workshop of this kind!
Sparkle and Dark have provided this workshop as a one-off making and performing experience for drama youth groups and offered it as a 2 hour-long workshop alongside the tour of their show The Girl With No Heart.

A Term of puppetry!
Food puppetry, object manipulation, junk storytelling and making giant unique bunraku puppets from newspaper and string! Please see the video at the top of the page for a puppetry montage of what we did!
Sparkle and Dark brought a term of puppetry to the three youth drama groups at Trinity Theatre in Tonbridge.

Make Bruiser the dog!
Bruiser is the lovable fluffy mutt and best friend to Mo in Sparkle and Dark's family show THE CLOCK MASTER that toured between 2009-2011, winning awards for its script and recieving high acclaim from the critics. This workshop allowed children to make their own version of Bruiser the dog, decorate him as they wished and then learn to use him in a Crufts style training ground!
Sparkle and Dark provided this workshop as an hour-long workshop alongside the UK tour of their show The Clock Master.